Professor Robert Arrives in Style

Hot on the heels of hosting a section of the British Animation Awards, Professor Robert is the star of his own animated comedy short. Watch it here. He is open minded to brand new AI techniques and classic human intelligence to help him get his genius out there. It has been created using a mixture of very traditional techniques, and some blisteringly new ones. You can read more on that in this article in Stash Media.

IAB – Joy the Digital Cheerleader

We have made a series of short animations for the Internet Advertising Bureau. We created Joy the Bear with the help of AI and animated her using more traditional techniques. Watch Joy urge the public to be more inventive and daring with their online ads in our animated interview. Agency: This Is Now.

Hermes – Animal Friend Animations

You can watch two brand new animations we made for Hermes here. Animal friends in a fantastical world. Agency: Hugo & Marie

MJA Winner – Science Explained

We were winners of Science Explained at the recent MJA Awards. The Mystery of the Disappearing Lymphocytes. Our film for Nature. Respect to the brilliant Charlotte Stoddart (words) and our very own Jules Bartl (picture/animation). ‘A delightfully clear and beautifully engaging explanation of a notoriously complex subject’.

Bar Shorts, September 2023

Dog and Rabbit host Bar Shorts at the Garden Cinema on Tues 5 Sept. Featuring a selection of classic short animations from the 1990s, Chosen by BAAs director, Helen Brunsdon. Followed by a Q&A with Helen interviewed by Chris Shepherd.

Introducing The Incredible Noisebox

Our latest project is an Incredible Noisebox. A quick-fire, comedy cartoon that takes a critical look at the crazy and ever changing world of AI. Hosted by Layla McGraph, the queen of the bot scene. Updated across the usual social media outlets on a weekly basis. Watch the eight minute intro episode on our brand new Incredible Noisebox YouTube channel.

Nature Video: T Cells

Our latest animation for Nature Video is out now. T Cells and the Mystery of the Disappearing Lymphocytes. A previous animation we made on this topic for Nature is currently on 4.5 million views on YouTube. Watch the new one here.


Central Illustration Agency represent some of the world’s finest illustrators and Dog & Rabbit have unparalleled access to their talent pool. Here is a compilation showcasing some of CIA and Dog & Rabbit’s work over the past 20 years.

The Quarry Tutorials

We are trying to keep people alive in The Quarry – by directing and animating a series of in-game tutorials for Supermassive Games’ brand new fully interactive horror movie experience. A joy to work on. Watch them here. Out now on XBox, PS5, PS4 and PC.

Preview: Beatles Vs Stones

Watch a 25 second snippet of our unfinished epic here. The ultimate battle of the bands. Semi-brutal slapstickery and plot twists like a tornado. Using photo cut-out animation, stop frame, hand drawn methods, cake fight techniques and more.

Polar Bears and Food Waste

A papery 2D polar bear animation to highlight food waste for WRAP (Waste & Resources Action Programme). 30 second TV ad here. Social media versions here.

Lift Someone out of Loneliness

For the Department of Media Culture and Sport. Released for Blue Monday 2022 to help with the mental health of teenagers and young adults. Made with Kindred. Watch it here.


We have made a series of motion graphics films for crypto banking pioneers FluidFi. They range in length from six seconds to two minutes. Watch a twenty second version here. Made with Accomplice.

WHO and Meta

We’ve been working on a project with Meta for the World Health Organisation. Hand-inked Illustration by Central Illustration Agency artist Mark Thomas. With agency VMYL&R. It should be on your internet around about nowish.

Seasonal Greetations

Merry Christmas from Dog and Rabbit. And… here is a short animation of a long line we did for Proskauer. Illustration by Central Illustration Agency’s Harry Tennant. And a Happy New Year.

Slowly Music Video

Lots of projects we aren’t allowed to show you are happening here at Dog & Rabbit. And a brand new music video for Wolf’s new single, Slowly. Watch it here. For genre-bursting record label, Hidden by Sound.

My Life in TV on ITV

We have designed the logo and animated this TV promo. Allison Hammond’s new podcast for ITV. A mixture of 3D, photo cut-out and 2D animation.

The Jane Austen Collection

Our looping animation for Amazon Audible to promote the new Jane Austen Collection is out and about on the streets of social media. You can watch it here. Book cover and type by Central Illustration Agency.

Our Beer Factory

Our factory is always fully powered up. This 4K looping animation is only 72 frames… but it’s got more complicated good stuff happening than the Kama Sutra and all it’s sequels. It promotes our very own moogBREW beer. More on that to follow.

Kuwaiti Science Series

We are currently making our 15th animated explainer film for the Kuwaiti Foundation for the Advancement of Sciences. Have a look at the ninth one in the series here.

Digital Out of Housery

We’ve put together a selection of some our recent outdoor media work. Bus stops, digital billboards and events. See it here.

Unicef. War on Disease

We have animated a series of posters to promote Unicef’s War on Disease campaign. They can be seen online in a range of sizes, and at Waterloo station in one of Europe’s widest screens. See them here.


We’ve animated and a series of moving posters to promote Railcard. You can see them here. We made them in lots of different lengths and ratios for all the different platforms. Wide ones for Facebook and YouTube, tall and square ones for Instagram – and a version that was 12 screens wide by one screen tall for a train station in Ireland. Bus stop sizes, banner sizes. All the sizes. For Community.

The Battle with HIV

Our first animation in the Immunology Wars series is fast approaching a million views on YouTube. Our third one is about how drugs can swing the battle against HIV in our favour – and is therefore well worth a look. For Nature.

Fulfil Protein Bars

Our Fulfil films are up and out there. Three product animations of the protein bars themselves, with the ingredients in carnival mood. And three brand animations. For Community.

Awards for Dog and Rabbit

Our animation for Nature, The Story of Warfarin, has won at the fortieth annual Telly Awards in the Education category, and been nominated at the Medical Journalists Awards. Much respect to Jules Bartl, Nigel Manington and everyone at Nature. And us.

And the Winner is…

On Wed March 13th, Bar Shorts presents its own homage to award winning short films and animations. Films from the likes of Jonathan Hodgson, Tom Rourke, Darren Walsh, Elizabeth Hobbs, Jennifer Zheng, Emily Scaife and many more. At The Book Club in Shoreditch. Hosted by Chris Shepherd. Supported by Dog & Rabbit.

B Works Looping Animation

We’ve just made a never ending looping animation of the B Works building. Full of busy little isometric people. Illustrated by Central Illustration Agency’s Graham Robson. For Karmarama. See it here.

Maoam Halloween

Here are three short animations we’ve just done for Maoam through Isobel of dancing supernatural folk. If you like sweets and rhythmic dead people, these really are for you. And a very Happy Halloween from Dog & Rabbit.

Tyrrells Rugby Madness

On your TVs and our Vimeo channel as of this week – our latest animated ad for Tyrrells. Featuring a bent ref and a cast of thousands.

The Gong Show

Now showing on ABC in the USA – our 30 second animated promo for the new series of Mike Myers’ Gong Show. Also, two interactive videos we animated to promote the show using JibJab Ecards. You can get your own face into the mental acts on the stage on the JibJab website. For Sony.

British Animation Award Winners

Our Tiny Hiker film for the Travel Channel won a British Animation Award at the BFI last night in the Best Film or TV Graphics/Motion Design category. The 2cm tall hiker in question is currently drunk and lodged down the side of the fridge, but we’re all very very happy. Very nice.

Wild Cheddar Hunters

Our latest animated spot for Tyrrells is on your TVs. Pack characters come to life and hunt rare wild cheddar. For Wieden + Kennedy.

Travel Man’s Travel Book

He’s called Travel Man, he’s got a Travel Book and he’s found himself on the Travel Channel. The latest in our series of Little Journeys animations is now playing on televisions all around the world. A mix of stop motion, motion graphics, drawn animation and jiggery pokery. Watch him here.

Make Earth Great Again

We’ve just animated a looping GIF for Brewdog for the launch of their new beer, ‘Make Earth Great Again’. All proceeds go towards highlighting climate change. And it’s 7.5%. Watch it here.

American Institute of Physics Prize

We are proud to announce that we’ve won the prestigious Science Communication Award 2017 from the American Institute of Physics with our series of animations featuring Nobel Prize winners in their own words. Excellent work from the Dog and Rabbit science department.

Pottermore Ghosts

Our newest GIF animations received the seal of approval from JK Rowling herself on Twitter. In conjunction with our illustration partners CIA, we animated five looping ghosts for the Pottermore website. See them here.


Our new ad for Tyrrells goes on TV today. Very Important Potatoes – watch it here. It’s the first of three 20 second animations about the ridiculous lengths Tyrrells go to to make their crisps taste very nice. You can see Fabulously Curly, the next one in the series here.

New Food Network and Travel Channel Idents

Here’s our brand new one minute animation currently being shown on Food Network. Filmed on location in our fridge, it’s a story of love, death and tragedy in the mould of Romeo and Juliet – but with more olives. Also live now is our new one minute ident for the Travel Channel. Filmed in our studio with a team of very very small stop-motion actors.

World’s Best TV and Film Awards 2017

Our animations for Perfect Tribe and Pauline & the crew at Scripps Network International have brought home another trophy. The Travel Channel film Little White Van Man was awarded at the New York Festivals Television and Film Awards 2017.

Immunology Wars

Our two latest animations for Nature Video about the immune system are now online. Watch Immunology: A Billion Antibodies here and Immunology: Monoclonal Antibodies here.

Pottermore GIFs

We’ve been animating Harry Potter‘s father and his Marauder friends for Pottermore. Subtle and realistic animation pushing GIFs to their limits. See them here. Made for Pottermore with CIA.

Sainsburys and Comic Relief

You can see our 10 second Comic Relief TV ad for Sainsburys here. The minute long song and dance version starring UK hip-hoppist MysDiggi is right here. Made for Wieden + Kennedy.

Our Winter Solstice Animation

On the longest night of the year, Dog and Rabbit wish you seasonal cheer. View animation here.

Zeek TV Ad

Our ad for Zeek is finished and all over your TV screen.
Made with the help of a cat who was full of energy and a mouse that had come down with a touch of the taxidermies. Animted using a range of styles to move the creatures – stop frame, green screened video and the photo cut out styles we’ve been doing for years.
Watch it here.

London Illustration Fair

We’ve animated an illustration by CIA’s Jonny Wan to be projected on an infinite loop at the London Illustration Fair.
You can see the work at the OXO Tower Wharf, Southbank, 1st – 4th December. Or/and watch it here.

Scientists’ Guide to the US Election

The United States has narrowed it down to Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton as the two best people to run the country. This animation we’ve made for Nature Video looks at how the presidential candidates feel about science and what impact the other positions up for grabs in the government could have.

A mix of motion graphics and and animated illustration.

Nobel Laureates 2016

Following our successful set of animations from 2015 – four more Nobel Prize winners tell us about their work. Recorded at Lindau 2016, and brought to life by our luminous confederacy of animators and illustrators for Nature Video.

Let Serge Haroche, Daniel Shechtman, Art McDonald and Bill Phillips tell you how the science gets done.

Travel Channel Little Journeys

The four painstakingly miniature stop-motion films we made for the Travel Channel are now on air.
Each film covers a different area of the channel’s programming.
A man quits his job for adventure.  A DIY hungry van. A vintage racing Capri. And an eager holiday maker.

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Gold Promax Global Excellence Award

We’re very happy to anounce that we won gold in New York at the PromaxBDA Global Excellence Awards. Our stop frame animations for Food Network won the ‘Best Channel Image Campaign’ award.
Here are our officially globally excellent hamburgers, cupcakes, meatballs and salads.

Lose Control

Here’s our newest film for InFacts. We’ve made eight of these in the last three weeks. They’re clocking up a million views each and hopefully helping the floaters decide how to vote on Thursday.
Quick turnaround by our graphical powerhouse, Fu. With illustrations by David Lopez Retamero.

Poster in The Guardian

Our pro Remain Brexit poster is in The Guardian today, amongst others by Antony Gormley, Axel Scheffler Rankin and Jon Burgerman. We are voting ‘In’, as the poster would suggest. Made by Fu, with the caricatures of David.

White Rabbit Promo

A short animation to promote an upcoming music event. Animated by our very good Fu using all three dimensions and a bit of After Effects. Watch it here.

British Animation Awards

The British Animation Awards are tonight. Criminal Baking, an ident we created for The Food Network is one of three finalists in the Best Film/TV Graphics category. If we win gold we’ll update this post to be quite boastful. but if you’re reading this after March 11th then we got silver or bronze. Fingers crossed for silver. No… gold. GOLD.

Dog and Rabbit Animate Sir Peter Blake

Sir Peter Blake created a bespoke illustration which we’ve animated for an exhibition by 40 artists from the Central Illustration Agency at the Guardian Exhibition Space throughout February.
In support of the amazing Graeae Theatre Company.
Animated by Fu using a displacement map technique we’ve been developing in After Effects. Watch it here.


Starting this week, Dog & Rabbit will be producing daily illustrations and animations for InFacts in the run up to the EU referendum – using a real mixture of styles and methods.

You can see lots of examples on the InFacts site.

Superfans’ Total Colin

Here is the first of five films introducing the My Prime Superfans for Virgin Media Ireland. Find out Colin’s special power and how noisy his stretchy suit is by watching him in action.

With Perfect Tribe for Liberty Global. Characters by Squirrel. Animation by Mole, Dog & Otter. Script by Dog. Graphics by Monkey.

Kronenbourg Tasting Rituals

All seven of our Kronenbourg films are now up.
You can watch them here.

For Adam & Eve. Animated by Mole and Squirrel (Simon Testro and David Lopez Retamero). Characters by Squirrel.

Ovarian Cancer for Nature

Ovarian cancer is the world’s seventh most common cancer. The good news is that experimental therapies in development could help to deliver a knockout blow to the deadly tumours.

Watch our newest video for Nature here. Animated by the very good Jez Pennington and Matt King (Otter and Duck).

Innocent. Two Stop Motion Hat Animations

We made two stop motion films for Innocent last month. The first one has been performing well on social media with over 900,000 views in its first week. The second one has just gone up and is going down well too.
The aim is to get people knitting little hats for their annual Big Knit campaign for Age UK.

Kathy Burke in Dog Judo

The very excellent Kathy Burke joins the cast of our long running dog/judo based series, Dog Judo. She plays Rexley’s stunning sister, Rexanne.

“I am not a saucy nurse. I’m a nurse who is saucy”.

Watch it on The Dog Judo website or YouTube.

Tic Tacs. Cherry Mixers

Made using hundreds of pictures of cherries, touched up in Photoshop and made move in After Effects.
We scoured the country to find cherries that look edible in October. Watch it here.
For Aesop. Animation by Andrew (Dog). Lighting and camera by Nich (Mongoose). Sound design by Nigel (Jaguar).