
Nature Video: T Cells

Our latest animation for Nature Video is out now. T Cells and the Mystery of the Disappearing Lymphocytes. A previous animation we made on this topic for Nature is currently on 4.5 million views on YouTube. Watch the new one here.

The Quarry Tutorials

We are trying to keep people alive in The Quarry – by directing and animating a series of in-game tutorials for Supermassive Games’ brand new fully interactive horror movie experience. A joy to work on. Watch them here. Out now on XBox, PS5, PS4 and PC.

Polar Bears and Food Waste

A papery 2D polar bear animation to highlight food waste for WRAP (Waste & Resources Action Programme). 30 second TV ad here. Social media versions here.

Lift Someone out of Loneliness

For the Department of Media Culture and Sport. Released for Blue Monday 2022 to help with the mental health of teenagers and young adults. Made with Kindred. Watch it here.

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